Hola! Como Estas? Wow what an amazing week! This past week has flown by! But that’s good, because that means that I'm working hard (haha or at least I think)! The week started out with a great P-day last Monday with my zone. We had a BBQ! I had my first multizone conference, which was amazing! My companion had 2 baptisms along with the 12 other baptisms my zone had at the same time. And we have transfers tomorrow morning!
Ok let's start with last Monday! The BBQ was a lot of fun, but nothing like one of Grandpa and Darin’s BBQ. I've been craving a steak or a real hamburger for a long time now! Let’s just say I've been a little deprived of beef here. I can count the number of times I've had it on 3 fingers. Yeah...... I'm a little sad about that. So for the BBQ we had hotdogs, hamburgers and chicken! It was the closest thing to an American meal that I've had since I've been in Peru. Then after we watched Ice Age 4 and played soccer! Today we're going to a big shopping place! Haha I'll probably end up buying something that I don't need, but it’s fun to barter with the people for a price! I'll let you know next week what I buy!
Next we had a multizone conference with 5 other zones! It was good to see some of my friends from the CCM! But the main topic of it is being 100% obedient and giving 100% to the Lord. We all had the decision to sign a banner making the commitment! I signed it! It'll be hard to do, but it'll be worth it!
Now to Saturday! Wow what an amazing day! We had 14 baptisms or what we call a "Noche Blanca" or in English a White Night. It was amazing! We baptized Jerson (23) and Ronaldo (9). It was great to see them change their lives. Especially Jerson. He went from not caring about religion to crying when we taught him about repentance. He literally changed his life! I love that I get to be a part of the process and help out. I look forward to helping others like him. The look on his face after I baptized him is why I'm here. I know that it’s only been 2 days since then, but you can just tell that there is something different about him. I'll keep you updated on other stories like his!
Tomorrow we have transfers! Which is exciting and a little terrifying because I get the opportunity to teach my area to a new companion. I don't know much about him right now, but next week I'll tell more about him. It'll just add to the adventure!
Well I hope that you are all doing well! I love you all and hope that you have a great week!
Elder Farnsworth
BBQ and Soccer |
100% Commitment |
Noche Blanca |
Jerson |
Ronaldo |
Jerson and Ronaldo |
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