Lunes: After Internet we went to the house for a sec and then we left and had a Family Home Evening with a less active family and then we did some contacting. When we got back to the house I called my district doing follow up on all of the converts from the last year to see how they're progressing and then put the final touches on my district meeting training.
Martes: We had another district meeting and I taught them about the importance of being obedient always and also about how to have success as a missionary. We read a bunch of scriptures to support the teachings. I think it worked to help them throughout the week find new investigators. Our day after that looked like it was going to be a really good day, but then every single one of our appointments fell through........... Haha welcome to San Luis. So then we just ended up contacting all day. We found a cool new investigator from Venezuela and he has lots of potential. Then we contacted some more and to finish the day we had a meeting with our ward mission leader to talk about our investigators.
Miercoles: We walked to the area (which is pretty far) because we ran out of bus money... and surprise surprise all of our appointments fell through again! We ended up contacting again all day. We found a new investigator this day as well. He was very interesting because he tried to use our own words against us to try and prove us wrong. But, haha, he ended up making a fool of himself when he realized that we made a really good point and we were right. We made an appointment with him for another day. Then in the night was when I took the Wednesday indicators. So I called all of the district and asked them how many new investigators they had up to this point of the week and how many they have with baptismal date. Also the work plans that they had for the week and if they had any needs in their areas.
Jueves: Was just another day of the week. I think we ended up having just one appointment this day and we contacted more. We have set appointments every day, but when we call to confirm them they either cancel on us or they say yeah we'll be there. When we get there 1 of 2 things happens. 1 they're not there or 2 they say oh no I was just kidding or no I'm busy...... and that happens every day. When we contact they open the door see us and most of the time say " oh no joven, todavía,,,, todavía joven...." and then they shut the door. Haha and 90% of the contacts are like that. The people hearts here are very hard and closed.
Viernes: We got up real early and played soccer............ Haha I never want to go, but my companion likes to go and play. Then I went and did splits for the first time as a District Leader. It was a great experience to be able to go and work with another elder in his area. I really like doing splits. It is a great opportunity to find the needs of my district and to also help all of the missionaries in the work.
Sábado: I finished up the splits and returned back to my area. Then we did more contacting and had a few visits this day. Not a real exciting day. Domingo: We went to church and ward counsel and then we ate lunch with one of our investigators. He's been an investigator for 8 years and this next month he'll finally get married and baptized. He has a bigger testimony than a lot of members of the church. Then we had another appointment with some young teenagers and that finished up the day. When we got back to the house I took indicators again, but this phone call lasts longer than the one in Wednesday. There is a lot more follow up needed and then I went to bed happy knowing the next day was Pday.
Today we went and had a BBQ in the park and this park had LLAMAS. I finally saw my first Peruvian llama. It was real fun. The other picture is with my Pensionista and her family.
Have a great week all of you and I love you all! Thanks for the support!
Elder Farnsworth
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Peruvian Llama |
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Pensionista and Family |
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San Luis Area |
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