Buenas Tardes a todos. This has been a great week here in my new area. Lots of new challenges and excitements. I gave my first training as a district leader and took the weekly indicators. There is still a lot that I need to learn in order to become the best that I can.
My new comp is Elder Villagra and he is from Chile. Haha in Spanish his name sounds like Viagra the drug that men take. So all the time people ask him that and it’s kinda funny - lol - but at least they can pronounce his name. Nobody here can say Farnsworth. Literally nobody........ He's pretty cool, but he's really quiet. So I always have to talk to him or else we won’t talk at all. With time he'll get better. I hope.
This has been a very good and interesting week. My new area, companion and district are great. Now that I have one week here in the area I know the needs of my area and the district. My area that I have is very different than any of my other areas. It is a lot harder to contact and find news here. The people are very cold and not as receptive as some of my other areas. But that just means that we have to change the way that we do things. It’s sad how cold and untrustful the people are here. We knock on the door and they open and close it immediately. Or if we get the opportunity to talk with them they're always "busy" doing nothing. We literally see them get up from watching TV and say that they're doing homework or cooking. In reality they're doing nothing, so we'll have to find a new way to do the work.
I had my training on how to be a District Leader. Let’s just say that there is always something to be done. My free time that I had in the nights isn't my free time anymore. Almost every night I am calling people, filling out papers about the investigators or converts and preparing a training. But I’m very excited and thankful for the opportunity.
The pictures are with my old pension and a family from my old area.
Well, have a great week and I love you all.
Elder Farnsworth
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